we are available to run workshops or master classes, give talks or presentations, speak on panels, or facilitate forums.
we've given talks for tedx, festivals, conferences and universities.
format: lecture performance
duration: 40 min presentation / 20 min conversation
subject: as artists, how can we lean into hope as an active political choice?
featured in: uts, sydney, ecu, wa
tech req: screen projection via keynote with embedded images
this presentation explores what it means to be hopeful in creative practice, whilst acknowledging that we are living in precarious times.
hopepunk is a literary term aiming to counter the dystopian world view that often characterises the future. the presentation unpacks hopepunk as a theory for artists to put into practice. looking at ways to weaponise optimism in creatively potent ways.
pvi take two artworks as examples of hopepunk in action, tiny revolutions and eaters, as well as looking at social justice activism and how it can inform the creative process.
format: workshop
duration: min 1 hr – max 1 day
subject: develop a one minute manifesto to be performed
featured in: proximity festival, encounter theatre
tech req: mic with p.a
this workshop looks at generating your own manifesto as a document to ground your future intentions as an artist. It can be undertaken with emerging or experienced practitioners.
a manifesto is a bold declaration of intent. it can include your motives, your beliefs and your passions. it can be audacious, critical, deeply personal, revolutionary even – but it must always be courageous and truthful. why does art matter to you? in what ways are you truly committed to it?
this workshop is a combination of writing activity and live performance and aims to get to the heart of why making art matters to you.
the unmentionables
format: card game interview. 3-5 panellists / participants. 1 pvi host
duration: 45 – 60 min
subject: unpacking the status of women in society via a playful card game.
featured in: boola bardip in conversations series, [wa museum]
tech req: mics
the unmentionables looks to unpack the status of women in society with some boss lady leaders within the community. using the device of a playful card game [called the unmentionables], panellists are invited to pick a card category and tackle a curly question. panellists reflect on key concerns from women of cultural and ethnic diversity, transgender women, .
notes: questions can be created in collaboration and tailored to suit panellists backgrounds.
you’ll never work in this town again
format: lecture performance
duration: 40 min presentation / 20 min conversation
subject: artist led strategies for getting fossil fuels out of the arts
featured in: rev film festival talk series, wa. kolyang creative hub, wa
tech req: screen projection via keynote with embedded sound & video
you’ll never work in this town again is a lecture performance that dives into artist led strategies for getting fossil fuels out of the arts and culture. framed around 3 steps for breaking up with a long term partner, the lecture performance features video talking heads from leading australian artists as well as some of pvi’s recent artworks that agitate in this space, including the artwash awards & the social licence watchdogs.
the lecture performance can serve to open up discussions around the future of arts sponsorship and the role of public funding.
participation is not a dirty word
format: tedxtalk
duration: 11m
watch here
“when it comes to the arts and performance in particular, it seems to be this dreaded term for audiences –i can almost feel the ripples of discomfort from here but it also one of driving forces behind our work and so today, i would like to share with you why it is so important for us, how much potential it has as a tool for social activation and why participation matters…”
– kelli mccluskey, tedx perth, november 2017.