pvi code of ethics
our code of ethics has helped us figure out our own core values as well as to think critically about where we draw the line in terms of corporate sponsorship and alternative funding in australia during a time of extreme financial precarity for the industry.
it has led us to think carefully about the differences and expectations placed on artists arts organisations by government and the private sector and how this may impact on the integrity of the art that we make and our freedom of expression.
[pvi collective -2022]
brief & purpose
the company code of ethics will act as a guide for staff, company members and board of directors in the process of and decision making, planning, goal setting and conducting day to day business on behalf of the company. it will also inform stakeholders and partners about the priorities and values the company holds.
the code aims to reduce conflict within the organisation when competing priorities exist; and reduce exposure to reputational risk when engaging in public debate, seeking sponsorship and developing partnerships with third parties.
the company code of ethics applies to the works undertaken by pvi and the companies with which the company conducts business.
all staff, board directors are to familiarise themselves with the code of ethics and apply it into their decision making and business planning. pvi collective will investigate any observed or reported actual or potential breaches of the code and take reasonable action as determined by the board of directors.
sponsorship / donations / partnerships
pvi aims to position itself as a ‘partner of choice’ from within and outside of the arts sector, to achieve this, pvi will seek partnerships with entities that align with its ethical values and share the goal of making positive change.
pvi will not seek nor accept sponsorship from sponsors who act contrary to our ethical position. pvi will avoid association with such sponsors through third party association where the sponsorship is directly linked through investment in the creation of the artwork.
acceptance of substantial donations will also be considered in the context of this code.
ethical compass
pvi is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
pvi’s practice and choices contribute towards:
- freedom of creative expression
- human happiness and education
- the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources
- workers’ participation in the ownership and control of their work organisations and places
pvi will support, champion and be an ally to those who take direction action towards:
- seeking meaningful and immediate action on addressing climate change
- sustainable land use and the preservation of endangered eco-systems
- protecting native title holders and upholding national laws to safeguard indigenous cultural heritage
- the alleviation of poverty
- the welfare and rights of animals not to be killed or harmed for human recreation, experimentation, art or fashion
- access to universal education
- access to universal health care
avoiding negative associations
pvi collective will avoid conducting business with companies engaged in activities it is considers are contrary to and against pvi’s ethics this includes those;
- involved or complicit in international human rights violations and human rights abuses
- actively practicing discrimination by way of an individual’s inherent, cultural or social identity
- directly contributing to climate change and ozone depletion
- that circumnavigate regulations aimed at protecting first nations people as native title holders
- profiting from the extraction, creation, production, manufacture of goods or services which have a harmful effect on humans, non-human animals or the environment
- profiting from the exploitation of people through forced labour, the payment of low wages or the provision of poor working conditions
- engaging in corruption or bribery
- engaged in the arms trade
- profiting from mandatory detention of asylum seekers
managing competing priorities
staff and board are encouraged to engage in a consultation process when compelling circumstances exist that may appear to be in the company’s best interest but are also contrary to the company’s ethical values. all factors in decision making should be considered.
when acting as a representative of pvi directors and core staff will not engage in an activity that is visibly and publicly inconsistent with the pvi’s code of ethics.
pvi collective acknowledge that taxpayers are a major funder of the company’s work and as such is committed to service the needs and ambitions of the Australian people it is imperative that this be achieve while the company remains true to its core values, including ‘freedom of creative expression’. This may include creating works that highlight and raise discussions about government policy or actions.
Need guidance writing your own code of ethics?
For independent artists, collectives and artist led initiatives you may not be operating with a corporate governance structure that outlines your core values and principles, but that doesn’t mean you don’t already have them! The likelihood is that they are already in your head and are expressed intuitively whenever you have certain choices to make.
we have prepared an ethical arts framework and template to help you write your own code of ethics.