arts code of ethics resources
code of ethics framework & template
our code of ethics has helped us figure out our own core values as well as to think critically about where we draw the line in terms of corporate sponsorship and alternative funding in australia during a time of extreme financial precarity for the industry.
it has led us to think carefully about the differences and expectations placed on artists and arts organisations by government and the private sector and how this may impact on the integrity of the art that we make and our freedom of expression.
we would like to acknowledge the community of artists from cia studios, who back in 2015 worked on drafting ethical guidelines to be shared as a resource for other artists and groups.
we aim to honour that original intent in sharing this document for others who may find it useful.
we invite you to copy / paste / edit / scrutinize / add capital letters and use whatever may be relevant to you.
with love and respect
[pvi collective -2022]
code of ethics template
download a copy of the code of ethics template below
code of ethics template - doc format
ethical arts framework
download a copy of our ethical arts framework one pager below
ethical arts framework pdfneed help unpacking the issues around wether or not accepting funding from certain areas clashes with your own
ethical code?
We’ve put together some questions to ask yourself about where the funding is coming from, expectations from the funding bodies, and whether this may be in conflict with your code of ethics.