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What would you like to say goodbye to? What would you like to welcome?

30 August 2019

hello hello, goodbye, hello

kiss club, the annual night where artists get to test out their ideas in development is coming up in September, and this year the event has been so popular we’ve added an extra night to the schedule.

one of the projects featured in this year’s event is ‘goodbye/hello from performance maker adam bennett and his team of collaborators.

our world and society is fundamentally changing. the impacts of environmental degradation and political upheavals are shocking us out of our comfort zones.

inspired by the works of forced entertainment, adam and other performers say goodbye to the things we need to let go of, and hello to our emerging future

The Goodbye/Hello project is inviting people to contribute to the development of the work with their own goodbyes and hellos.

The artists would like you to take a moment to breathe, slow down, consider your world and your next few years, look at all the things and activities that you are happy or unhappy to say goodbye to or let go of.

then head to this online spreadsheet and add the things you’d like to let go of in the left hand column. Also think of those things that you are hoping to say hello to or dreading having to say hello to, and write those things in the right hand column.

This material will feed into the work and you might hear these words read out on the night.

tickets to the additional night of kiss club are selling fast, book now to secure your spot in the crowd.

IMage by Tim Grant


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