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seeking a new pvi company artist

14 January 2025

are you a company player?

a rare opportunity to be part of pvi collective’s creative team, one of australia’s leading producers of performance art based in boorloo/perth.

this role is perfect for an artist to work both as part of a small team, and have time to pursue their own practice and interests. we are scouting for an artist with some performance experience and a curious mind.

join us as we devise a new body of works exploring a concept of ‘topia’ as if the world we envision as ideal, already exists.

we feel the role will suit a confident individual who:
• experience with group devising
• a movement background
• performance experience


renumeration: $31,995.60
(Full time equivalent: $79,989)


fixed term (24 months from commencement in mid-March.
part time (0.4 fte) flexible hours available. preferred work days Tuesday and wednesday.

this role was initially made possible in thanks to the arts pay foundation, it continues thanks to creative australia.


this role will be based at the perth institute of contemporary arts in northbridge where pvi collective are currently company in residence.

this role is likely to involve regional, national and/or international touring.

position description

full position description


please contact pvi, if you have any questions about the role:

to apply:

to apply, please provide a cv and cover letter introducing yourself and what you can bring to the role. we strongly encourage you to send a google drive or website link to show us a few examples of some of your previous work.

apply here

applications close: 12noon monday, 3rd march, 2025

equal opportunity employment

pvi collective recognises that we can do better to work with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences. Artists who are First Nations, living with disabilities, identify as LGBTIQ+, are from culturally diverse backgrounds or are part of another minority group are strongly encouraged to apply.

about pvi

formed in 1998, pvi collective create performances, videos and interventions that invite genuine engagement from audiences and members of the public. we are committed to ensuring that they experience seriously fun artworks that negotiate difficult issues in provocative and accessible ways.

we strive to have our work experienced around the world in playfully ambitious ways. our aim is to make work that matters beyond ourselves, that inspires our audiences to take up the challenges we set down, so that when they travel the streets of their own neighbourhoods, and see potential for change, that they own a quiet confidence to enact it.

we believe that the idea dictates the form and have produced an eclectic body of work over the past two decades that are grounded in critical rigour, informed by collaborative research and the experience of the audience. performances and interventions have included:
locative mobile media games, bus tours, training videos, radio broadcasts, sticker campaigns, think and do tanks, privacy services, tug-of-war contests, live action board games, fictional awards, community policing initiatives and environmental watchdogs. we use play and dark humour to investigate timely, complex issues such as privacy, terrorism, climate justice, economic theory and the future of democracy.


we believe
art is a collective good and a civil right for all.
art can agitate for positive change.
art can reinvent reality and reveal new possibilities.
art needs experimentation, without it, there can be no progress.

we will
prioritise diverse participation in our artworks and company.
investigate critical issues deploying humour and play.
give space and voice, unlearn oppressive behaviour, recognise privilege.
pursue creative risk to its very edges.
stretch the capabilities of technology.

artist vision 2024-2028

our new suite of works sits under the conceptual umbrella of topia. each of these works invite active participation to explore radically hopeful futures for humanity. booster, hummm and zero will rigorously experiment with the potential of participatory experiences, pushing the form into new and challenging terrains. the topia series will be a mixture of street based social activation, immersive wearables, playful physical contests, and interactive thought experiments.


to create radically hopeful futures and game the pathway there.


apply a creative lens to real world issues and mobilise audiences to be the change they want to see.


make art that matters.
get work out there.
work sustainably and ethically.

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