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panopticon: taipei

about panopticon: taipei

a uniquely absurd privacy service for members of the public.

during a 3 month asialink residency in taiwan, pvi developed a unique and absurd ‘privacy service‘ for members of the public who travelled via the new intensely monitored underground metro rail network. collaborating with 100 local fashion students, pvi constructed a human-sized shielding sphere made entirely of domestic umbrellas.

citizens of the underground were offered the opportunity to travel in full privacy, guided by cb radios and a small army of umbrella holders. the attempted journeys were video documented and installed in taipai artists village as part of an international visiting artist exhibition.

a postcard series was also created, taking the bubble-like umbrella construction above ground to seminal tourist spots through out taiwan.

click image to view the project gallery

featuring 100 taiwan college of fashion and textile students and pvi collective

show info

intervention and exhibition history

taipei artist village gallery, taiwan, oct – nov 2003

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