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jeremy smith

jeremy smith

Jeremy Smith lives and plays in Boorloo (Perth) and works with Performing Lines as Senior Producer – WA. Most recently, he was PICA’s General Manager, and previously the Director of Experimental Arts and Community Arts with the Australia Council for the Arts. A core theme of his career has been working closely with artists, organisations and communities to promote artistic bravery, self-determination, authentic representation and to broker opportunities. He spent considerable time supporting initiatives and projects born out of regional and remote Australia, as well as developing and delivering key arts and disability programs. He is a graduate of WAAPA, and worked as a freelance lighting designer, production manager and creative producer in the early stages of his career.

He is the chairperson of pvi collective, a member of the Advisory Panel for the 2023 Fremantle Biennale and sits on the advisory board for Curtin University’s School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry.

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