kiss club 2020 call-out
20 May 2020presented by pica & pvi collective
“I love KISS club. The freedom that it gives artists to try new, difficult and unlikely things is unlike any other short form performance night.” – Audience member, 2019.
The ever popular KISS club returns in 2020 with a modified format amongst COVID-19.
Call-out applications close: 5pm, Sunday 14 June 2020
Call-out notification: Late June
Project development: June onwards
Public Feedback Event: TBC, expected September– December 2020
KISS club is a performance event for ideas in development, featuring emerging and established artists across live and experimental arts practice. Created by Sydney based artist Karen Therese, KISS club has been presented by pvi collective since 2010, evolving into a partnership with PICA in 2017.
In 2020 KISS club continues as a collaboration between PICA and pvi collective. Selected artists will present 10 minutes of a work in progress to an audience, providing a chance to trial new ideas and receive feedback in a generous and supportive environment.
PICA and pvi collective are excited to offer this opportunity now, amongst an interim period of live arts programming, and work with selected artists to develop new ideas.
KISS club celebrates work in progress, giving audiences a fresh insight into what is bubbling in the hearts and minds of Perth’s experimental performance makers, and the opportunity to help shape and support new work. A hit with audiences, this fast and furious performance night has SOLD OUT over the past 3 years.
We look forward to gathering again when it is safe to do so, and in the meantime APPLICATIONS ARE NOW OPEN.
“A truly invigorating and supportive experience, which I would recommend to any artist with an idea bubbling away in their heads.” – KISS club artist, 2019.
WA emerging and established practitioners, groups or collectives from any live art form who are keen to test out a component of an idea or embryonic work in progress in front of a live audience. PICA encourages artists to think about ideas and projects that have relevance to its program with currency towards concept and art form development.
Presented in PICA’s Performance Space, each artist presents up to 10 minute’s work during the event, one after the other. Time for audience feedback is allocated at the end of the evening, in small groups.
Artists will receive:
- A participation fee of $1,200 plus 9.5% super (per work/collective).
- Free access to PICA’s Performance Space for rehearsal in the lead up to the event.
- Provocateur support from pvi collective – provided in the form of 3 online sessions during lockdown, followed by tech run and rehearsal session (5 in total).
- Creative feedback from PICA’s team prior to the event.
- For the event, access to PICA’s house lighting, A/V and sound systems.
- Technical support on the day of the event and a Venue Technician to operate during the event.
- A copy of photo documentation taken at the event.
- Anything else to test the work.
kiss club will begin amongst the current lockdown and government mandates for gatherings, focussing on project development led independently by selected artists within the safety of their homes and with online connection to the team.
The provocateuring aspect of the development will happen via ZOOM with a pvi artist allocated to each artist/company.
The timeline for working within PICA and hosting the live event is in holding, contingent on the lifting of restrictions around gatherings by state and federal governments. At this stage, we are considering this being between September – December 2020.
Please read the KISS club FAQ info for further details HERE.
KISS club is the brainchild of Sydney performance maker Karen Therese in response to the need for artists to test out their emerging ideas to audiences in a supportive and critical environment.
Email for further information.