about easy listening under truth serum: track one
pvi’s first in-theatre live performance.
easy listening under truth serum: track one was the first artwork to feature the three original pvi performers, chris williams, james mccluskey and kate neylon. this work marked the beginning of the collective. it also featured pvi’s first attempt at creating a virtual perfomer, b.u.d.d.i whose purpose was to challenge and provoke the boundaries of liveness.
in easy listening, pvi delve into the world amateur karaoke and the rise of reality tv with research expeditions introducing them to dingy bars and excruciating displays of second rate crooning.
under the glare of disco lighting and surrounded by silver curtains, performers rehearse for their 15 minutes of fame with master of ceremonies is b.u.d.d.i providing instructions and extreme political incorrectness. audience members witness possible ufo sightings, testosterone infused competitions and absurd magic moments.
outside in the street we skip along with glee and talk about how fucking fantastic all of that was. how unlike anything we’d seen before. how it touched on something so potent and honest about contemporary human relations and technological advancement.
devised & performed by: pvi collective
show info
performance history
yirra yaakin theatre , perth wa. artrage festival sept – oct 1998